♥Creating a new blog is like moving house♥

Welcome to the wonderful world of REE. Ree is my name. Well, it's actually Anne-Maree, but i've adopted Ree for numerous reasons. I used to have a blog i started about a year ago with modblog. But they are about as unstable as me, so I have moved my most deepest secrets to blogger.com :) Aren't you lucky.

Well my fellow audience... Let me give you the lowdown on myself. I am a 23 year old female who lives in Perth, Western Australia. I have recently moved house to craigie with my boyfriend, Adam whom I have been with for over 2 years, my pet mouse, Moo and my 11 week old kitten, Rex. Rex is not your ordinary kitten. He likes to run around skweeling as he stares at the light bulbs on the ceiling. He also likes to climb walls and is basically prozac on legs :) but he is the world to me.

I work at a property valuation company in East Perth. I have been here for 3 years and love it as much now as when I first started here. I am almost looked upon as a Goddess of this earth *smirk* I look after the helpdesk, answer phone enquiries, type residential and commercial valuations, help in the IT department, fill tender reports and yes even have enough time to fill out a blog or two :) BOOYAH!

I have a lot of hobbies and enjoyments. At the moment I am reading a book called "Anyone but You". It is about a dog who sets his owner up with some dude. Well thats what i've picked up on so far :P
I also love the beach, drinking beer and watching footy = The Perfect Woman :)

I love Holdens and I drive a VS Series II Commodore which I adore just as much as my Adam *grin* It is red, lowered and even has limo tint :D

Well, thats enough to get started with. It's nearly 5pm and time to go home *yay*

♥ Me xxx


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