~♥~ Friday The 13th! ~♥~

Today is Black Friday. To me, this is the same as any other day as I wear black pretty much 24/7. I have pretty low self esteem at the moment as I ate one to many pieces of ham over the Christmas Break, so I've decided to join the gym again in an attempt to actually stick to it. Im a sucker for temptation :(

Last night was nothing thrilling... Adam took me to the local supamarket to get some survival gear until pay day next wednesday. I kinda wish i could be paid weekly, then i'd only have to wait a few days and its pay day again. At the moment, most of my money is spent on bills, so most of it is gone pretty much the day I get paid and then I have to wait out another fortnight for my next pay.
So after getting home, Adam pretty much jumps onto the Xbox so I folded my couch out and watched 'The Sisterhood of The Travelling Pants' on my laptop. It was actually quite good and could relate to every character one way or another :)

Bring on the weekend!! Apparently the weather is meant to be like summer again on Sunday *crosses fingers* im sick of it raining and its meant to be 'summer' I wanna hit the beach some time if it actually does get warm.
Anyways, write more on Monday

♥ me xxx


Blogger dramatik said...

♥ ree

12:57 PM  

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