♥ Gotta Love Mondays ♥

Well, this weekend didn't go exactly to plan.. or anywhere near it in fact :)
Friday night Adam decided to ruffle my feathers, saying he was looking at fords that cost almost as much as his last one he's selling (after saying he wanted a cheaper car so he could start saving for a house deposit.) We were supposed to go bowling with Hannah and her boyfriend, but after that, I just wasn't in the mood. Then he decides that I am right and that he should look for cheaper ones. *sigh*

Saturday I went around to my parents house and then spend the afternoon taking Adam around car yards so he could get a rough indication on what to look for. Saturday night we just stayed home and watched a couple of movies.
Sunday morning I changed my oil and checked my car over with dad :) My car rocks :D
Sunday afternoon, I took Adam to look at a few private sales and he ended up buying a 1989 Mitsubishi Lancer from a 'one owner' in North Lake. It's a very good car and is in really good condition. I hope it lasts him a while as im sick of looking for cars for him :)

And today.... 3 words: I HATE MONDAY'S! :) They suck. They are designed to make you feel bad for having such a good weekend. So you can imagine last monday, when I came back from a 2 week holiday :P This one isn't much better. Although it's 2.35pm already, which is a good thing :) Tonight wont be thrilling... I have to vacuum the house *sigh* and have to ring the vet to make an appointment for Rex's first needle :) I hope he doesn't hate me after it :P

Time to do some more work now, write more soon!

♥ me xxx


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