Overracted MUCH?!

Ok Ok So I overreacted... a LOT! hehe I guess the death of my #1 Icon who got me into loving holdens so much, Riley peeing all over the floor and Adam giving me shit about the Dockers and the Swans all weekend would do it to me. To top it off Adam's sister has moved over to live FOR GOOD with her husband and 2 year old (fat head) Corey. As soon as Adam told me she was moving to CLARKSON, I told him there would be trouble. They moved out this Saturday passed and she lasted ONE DAY before hassling Adam to come and get her and take her home because she missed her last bus. I was so tempted to print a timetable and go with him and shove it up her ass. But I didn't... It took me a while to calm down. Overwhelmed by the constant news updates, tributes to Peter Brock all weekend already set me into 'bad mood smoochy' mode, so she was just the icing on the cake. I took off, parked my car, chilled and got 50 sms and 2 attempted phone calls from Adam. After I arrived home all I said to him was "if she calls again, im moving" of which he turned his phone off and we kissed and made up. So all is good :) Tonight is my chill night and I'm so looking forward to playing with Riley & Rex :)

Yesterday (before the dreaded sister saga) Adam took me to town to look at stickers for his car. In the car on the way I was saying how my friend Kelly (who's 26) has known her boyfriend for about a month and he is more than likely going to ask her to marry him by the end of the year! I then said to Adam "we're never getting married" and he just looked at me with the 'what the??' look on his face. I then said "Remember the first few months of going out and if we had an arguement, you'd say 'It's not like we're getting married" and he smiled, put his hand on my leg and said "don't be silly" HOW CUTE!!!!!!!!!!! (I have more melting moments than Cadbury!) hahah

Anyways enough from me! Gotta finish this work and gets outta here!
Luv me xxx


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