♥ What A Weekend ♥

Well, It has been a fairly lengthy weekend for the first time in a while (or perhaps its kus I got so much done!) hah! Friday Night we pretty much watched the F00ty and I cleaned up a bit and went to bed....We were going to go to 'The Boat' for a drink, but I got home and it started pouring down with rain and I just couldn't be bothered hehe. Saturday morning, Adam went to work and I went to visit Dean at AudioCom because I think my amplifier is playing up, I got there and AudioCom had been ram-raded! there were police everywhere and a shitload of glass too! Apparently they only took crappy stuff, which is lucky, but still - the damage bill will be big! So yeah I need a new amp *sigh* but im not that fussed at the moment because I'm dead-set on getting my tattoo! So I got home and Adam had just arrived and we went and did a massive shop and even got a new dinner set *yay* We then went to 3 different tattoo studio's to have a look at some designs and I FINALLY picked out a butterfly (decided not to get the tigerfly) I pretty much cleaned for the rest of the day! Saturday night at 'Little ItaREE' went really well and my parents left feeling full and satisfied at 10.30pm... We cleaned up and pretty much went straight to bed. Sunday we woke up at about 9am (which is a sleep-in for us now) heheeh and I moped around the house and packed dishes away and skooted to my parents for about 11am for father's day. On the way we saw this accident involving a magna and a little box car it was pretty bad (happy father's day!) I hope they survived, they had to be cut out... was pretty full on :/
We went to Simon's Seafood Restaurant in Northbridge and pretty much got called everything under the sun from my mother (including slut?) because she doesn't want me getting a tattoo, but I told her that I was getting it and she can get lost with the insults. By the end of lunch she was asking if she could design me one, but I told her I already knew what I wanted. Lunch was delicious! I had grilled barramundi! YUM! I got home at about 3pm and Adam wanted to go to the markets to look for a new sticker for his magna, so off we went :) he didn't find one though :/ We stopped off one last time at Abandoned Art in Wanneroo and I spoke to the girl and she said she would design me my own personal tribal bits to go around the butterfly - They're really busy on weekends, so Adam's going to book me in for a Friday arvo (hopefully the day before my birthday!) yay!

I got to work today and everything had been taken off my desk (I'm assuming it was a hint to clean my desk? *shrug*) Thought it was pretty rude though, like I would have rather been asked than given hints, but oh well.
Hannah is meant to be coming over for dinner tonight, but I haven't heard anything from her or spoken to her since last week sometime so I have no idea what's going on *shrug*
And thats pretty much it!
♥ me xxx


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