Service is unavailable MY ASS! Just LAZY!

This has pretty much been the result of login attempts since about 7pm last night
:( UNBELIEVABLE! It SHOULD BE "Sorry we're to lazy to fix some of the problems so please find something else to do"
Some People depend on me to help them through their days! even though I'm 2 people down on my list after deleting Brian for ratting on me to Kimmi about how (lets just say trashy) she is. Like I said to Kimmi in defense to a savage email she sent, its no loss whatsoever to remove her and brian from my list as I have a life and cant be assed playing their stupid games. So that was that. Apart from the loss of msn, I have managed to skrew and unskrew the mess I made to my myspace page *sigh* and enter what feels like a million jobs at work. Apparently my lunch smells good. I suppose it would seing as our office generally smells like 'cat food' aka tuna. hehe. I have also decided that I am going horseriding alone this weekend. It will be good to just gallop through bushland with the wind on my face *crosses fingers it doesn't rain* I've also booked this Friday in for an early dinner at the Grosvenor Hotel with Kelly. Should be good, we seem to have a lot in common :) and im pretty much free until the 1st of October when she's coming horseriding with me, then the 6th I get my tattoo and then Hannah and Anthony are coming over for HJS and a movie :) Then the 7th is my Birthday! Weeee! I wish I hadn't have gotten that dining table my parents bought me. I have only eaten at it once when my parents came to 'Little ItaREE'. I wish I had of gotten some money to help me get to Melbourne for Peter Brock's State Funeral next Tuesday *sob* I REALLY would have loved to have been there. Unfortunately I'm about $600 bucks short :(
Riley has his last night of puppy pre-school tonight! I'm excited as Tuesday's will become vacant and I can relax! He goes from 7pm-8pm so I basically get home at 6.20pm, throw on clothes, talk to Adam for 10 and then head off. Then I get home, make tea, feed Rex and Riley and its pretty much 9.30pm :( He gets his last needle on saturday! I found out from the vet that there are only 2 vaccinations that are vital to give to a puppy, they say that if any vet says there should be more, than they are a waste of money and dont know what they're talking about. There are some vets however, that do 3 needles (of which are covered in the 2 that this vet has) but having it all in the 2 saves about $60 bucks. So yeah bit of useless information, but its cured my question of "how many needles do they get?". YAY I LEARNT SOMETHING! :)
♥ me xxx


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