♥ Happy Anniversary to Me ♥

Today is my anniversary of being with My Adam for 2 years and 2 months although in some ways it feels longer because I know him so well, but on the other hand it doesnt seem long at all (as it is only 2 years), but it has probably been the most eye-opening 2 years of my life :) I have grown and achieved so much since being with him :) I am even motivated enough now to goto the gym... The first few days was a killer, but now I'm actually enjoying it..
Not only is today celebratory for my anniversary but it is also pay day!! finally!! although it's pretty much spent before it even arrives :P

I took a photo of Rex this morning and downloaded it at work... OMG! I cant believe how big he has gotten! *mental note: ring vet*

I have to ring Hannah's sister Janet tonight to organise pickup of a fridge she offered for me to buy a couple of months ago. I TOTALLY FORGOT ABOUT IT! Mum and Dad went round for dinner last weekend and Dad paid for it. I was just talking to Hannah about it on MSN Messenger:
"how can i forget about a fridge for god sake! like had'nt i noticed i was putting rex's food on top of my beer kus there was no room!"
I swear I would forget my own brain if it wasn't attached to my head :P

Well I'm heading into town for lunch... Going to see if target has any cheap gym pants as at the moment I'm excercising in my track pants and its WAY too hot!

Meltingly Yours
♥ me xxx


Blogger Die Muräne said...

congrats! Kissed any strangers lately? Haha

3:54 PM  
Blogger dramatik said...

Haha not lately :)

10:33 AM  

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