♥ 2 Blogs R Better Than None ♥

I'm going for a record of 2 blogs in 1 day... Well more like I've finished work for the day and spending the last 15 minutes doing something constructive :) My pay went through and I'm now up to date with all my bills *woohoo*
Gotta goto my parents tonight for dinner *sigh* I'm SO not hungry. I don't like scheduled week night dinners and not being hungry.. then if you cancel, they get all sulky and if you go and don't eat they still get sulky :) Can't win either way...

I ended up going to town and found some 3/4 gym pants. 3/4 are gay, but I figured no one I know will see me and they wont be as hot :)

I need to take some more photo's. Hannah and Anthony are coming over Friday night and we are going bowling... Hopefully I can take some Friday night (not bowling though, thats embarrassing) I'd like a new photo of me and Adam... the last one I have was from my Birthday last October *doh*..

Hmmm 10 minutes to go (99 Bottles of Beer on the Wall) *SiGH!*.... 5 more mins and I can start packing up yay!
Well, best be off...Luv Yas
♥ me xxx


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