Lets just say im not in the greatest of moods.
I woke up at 5.30am to Rex meowing his head off again (no idea whats with that cat atm, but hes pretty close to being chucked outside.)
Thursday. Hannah tells me shes taking a week off next month and basically could I try to take days off to do stuff with her as anthony doesn't want to take anymore holidays this year. So fair enough I book the holidays. Then we talk about going horse riding and road trips and shit and get all excited. THEN, I get told that I need to be at work for training 2 weeks prior to the 30th of October because we are being taken over by another company (of which my hours are going to be 8am - 6.30pm and I'm on seek looking for new jobs atm because I cant even handle the thought of working nearly 12 hour days.) So I come online to tell hannah that if I cant come horse riding during the week, could we go on that Sunday and then she'd have the week to do what she wants to do. I basically got shot down with a "no", because its her and anthony's only day together. I totally understand because I have my mum on saturdays and I never get home until after 5pm so sunday's is pretty much mine and adam's day together too. But for some reason she cant part with that one day like I can. Its pretty heartbreaking that I cant have one daylight day with my 'best friend'. Boy have we gone our own ways. Our 'remember the times' will only be based on childhood memories as new memories haven't really been made since Sydney in october last year.
♥ a totally crushed me.


Blogger han said...

This is pathetic.. You failed to put in that i also work 6 days a week and sunday is my only day off to see my folks (who also work 6 days a week), to see my boyfriend and see our new puppy during the daytime! Ive said to you heaps of times.. when i start getting more sturdays off we have to do more stuff together.. I was the one that was trying to get you to have a few days off so we can spend time together! And then u start this! Im sorry if its hurt you Ree but its how i feel.. You know the shit im goin through at the moment with this job and i really dont need this at the moment. Im already depressed as it is with never having time to do anything!

9:01 AM  

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