♥ Missing Pieces Finally Fit ♥

Well after not gettin what I wanted for the last week, things are finally falling into place. Today is Adam and mine's 2 years and 10 months anniversary and I got LOTS of 'special kisses' last night YAY! I got a quote for my Peter Brock sticker and it will be ready for next weekend, I've moved my tattoo date to the 30th of September (12 days to go! OMG!) and work has given me tomorrow off to watch Peter Brock's State Funeral live on tele (although its not the same as being there, at least I get to see it!) and I will try and get up to Gidgegannup to put some flowers at the tree where his life was taken (providing it doesn't rain as I'm not driving up there by myself in the same conditions that Brock died in - just too creepy) heh. So yay! Things are good in all fronts atm....Riley is even using his newspaper to excrete onto! aha yayayy!
♥ me xxx


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