
The word EMO has had such an impact on people that it now has its own spot in the dictionary EVEN THOUGH the word has existed since the 1980's. We all go through phazes. We all want to die at one stage in our lives. Bragging about it on myspace and cutting yourself is a cry for attention. It makes you a weak person. If you hate your life so much as to want to hurt yourself - do it properly. If you want to escape GO towards the light dont sit here wishing you were non-existant and wasting peoples time and space and air to breathe when someone who WANTS to be here needs it more than you. SUBCULTURE EMO = LAME.

This Time I've Been Dealt ACES :)

OK so its been um...FOREVER... always loose the plot with these things... My last post was in January I think...Its now heading towards the rear of April :P
There has been a major highlight that has happened in my life... my parents have bought me a house in Clarkson! Adam and I are renting it and saving for a deposit to buy it off them together... We moved in last weekend and days have been flying since - picking out carpet, paint, timber flooring, etc. cant wait til its finished! and I'm so glad that its all happening with Adam in the picture :) It's been 4 years in november this year! We're gunna try and get away to Sydney around that time so I can climb the harbour bridge!
Porsha's been on her best behaviour and loving the large backyard with grass!!!! and Rex just loves to bee pampered and cuddled and fussed over :P
Adam's taking me to the Perth Cup tomorrow night! So excited! I love the dog racing, theres one dog called Muzz Buzz who is awesome! there are a few good dogs this weekend it will be hard to pick a winner! Should be between Global Warming (Adams Fav), Will you behave and Flashing Floods... possibly Miss Mini Mouse might be in there, but I think I have a Trifecta! hhehee
Thats it for me, works getting busy

OZI OZI OZI...OI OI OI 26th January 2007

The last 2 weeks I have caught the train to work. It has been really good winding home before I actually get home....cheaper too :) Although I do ask myself a heap of questions whilst on the train. Like...Why do people think they are better than anyone else and that they should get inside the train first? What happened to common decency and courteousy? Why do people read 300+ page books and get frustrated that people talk or have their music up loud? I could go on all day!!! I cant complain though...I have magazines, books, DS Lite and iPod to rotate depending on how I feel :)

Porsha's been really good! The only thing I can find that's annoying is the snails she decides to bring into the house. Compared to Riley, she is an Angel. I'm beginning to think that's what I should have called her! hehe. Puppy training has been going well...Having socialised with bigger dogs like Indie and Jet, it's way boosted her confidence to play with the staffy x pitbull in her class. She will always have a soft spot for Misty (Chihuahua x Jack Russell) hehe. Next week she is meeting Beau, Fiona's pride n joy! Should be a great day! :)

Today is Australia Day! YAY. Another excuse to have a day off work, drink enough beer to sink a ship, eat lots of bbq food and have beautiful coloured explosions go off in your face while your head spins....Happy Australia Day!


My lease is up in June. This is a make or break time in my life right now. At the moment I have saved about $350 from keeping money aside to do things with friends and acquaintences that haven't followed through. So this is a good thing in a way. Anyway I am seriously considering a few options towards a total new lifestyle. Location is the main thing at the moment. Is Perth really where I want to end up? are the people that I associate with the right people around me? Should I really bother holding on to cherished memories rather than creating new ones?
I discovered on New Years Eve how easy it is to make new memories and friends...older, more experienced, no bullshit, tell it how it is friends. It is so easy to raise standards higher and how responsive people are to it.

Caitlin - This ones for you..

This is Caitlin. She is a dweeb. She is doing work experience and she is my coffee slave *smirk* She is 16 and kind of cool and I love her. She does all the things I used to do like going to Southbound. I have no idea why I ever stopped going. I think it was because I opted to have a car, spend lots of money on it and then pay rent to gain freedom. I suppose the odd piercings and the random 3 hour tattoo also took its tolls on my wallet. oh dear sweet Caitlin. Yes you can be my FREEK.
xxx xxx

Saturday, January 13, 2007

Saturday, January 13, 2007
Reality Check.. Current mood: cheerful
Yesterday wasa great day, I went to my parents to show them Porsha. They loved her, although I think they were expecting the same hyperactivity that Riley had..Too Bad :) Mum had a bit of a winge to me about how everyone feels sorry for me kus I never have any money and that I have nothing and that I need to start looking to buy my own house, etc. A) If I bought a house it wouldnt be north of the river. B) I dont want to buy a house. C) If I bought a house then I DEFINATELY wouldn't have any money. So I was pretty cut that she couldn't accept that I'm not ready to make any BIG decisions just yet. Once I've paid off my car, then I might revise my situation and look into wasting $450,000 on a stupid house. Anyways, so that brought my "cloud 9" down to earth....Then...Adam, Peter & I went bowling, which was awesome!! I came second in the first game and I won the second game..Normally I SUCK at anything sporty, but I think I have it worked out. Later that night Adam and I went and saw "Pursuit of Happiness" with Will Smith. It showed me how really bad life can get and really got me thinking about everything mum had said to me earlier....after all....I really don't want to spend a night in a toilet....
That's it for me, Christmas, New Years and my Holidays are finally over :( It's been GREAT, back to work tomorrow but...BRING ON AUSTRALIA DAY!!!xxx

Thursday, January 11, 2007

Thursday, January 11, 2007
Ok This is Creepy... Current mood: shocked
Having met Kellie for the first time in a few years a couple of months ago, there was one guy who walked in the room and said "Hey Ree." This had me baffled. It is not very often I would meet a person and not remember them....especially a guy. To jog my memory he listed all the places I had seen him and to my suprise...we even used to speak on the internet years ago. I felt so embarrassed..I mean Jon is cool and I have no idea how he managed to totally erase himself from my brain. Then last night, Kellie showed me something....a photo....of me.....with Jon in it!!!!!!! I think I have lost a few years of my life somewhere along the way and the other me has been running a muk or something!!!!!WHERE HAVE I BEEN ALL MY LIFE!!!xxx

Monday, January 08, 2007

Monday, January 08, 2007
Beautiful and carefree thats how I used to be... Current mood: cheerful Category: Life
Well, i've eaten half a french stick for lunch today and I feel seedy! haha This is my last week off work and I plan to fit as many activities as I can in it! (Also make time for generic blogging and random internet browsing of course) :) So today I've done pretty much SFA, but tonight is our little girls first day at puppy pre-school :) I cant wait to see her mingle with the other puppys! Adam will be missing it though because 20/20 cricket is on tonight and someone has their priorities mixed up..heh. Tomorrow I FINALLY get to see Hannah after like 3 months..pretty stoked to give her her christmas and birthday presents! We're goin to play Nintendo Wii and i'm also taking Porsha to meet Jet, their jack russell. Thursday I will hopefully catch up with Kellie...thinking of going to Jimmy Dean's but possibly will just end up chilling..not too sure yet, somwhere in the next few days I have to pick my parents up from the airport (no idea what day/time) heh. YAY I finally get my 7.1mp camera back and can finally take some nice pics of Porsha :)
Well thats about it for me todayOver and Out!XXX

Saturday, January 06, 2007

Saturday, January 06, 2007
What a night... Current mood: hyper Category: Life
After having made the wrong choice with the wrong breed and much heartbreak selling Riley, Adam and I decided it was time to get a new puppy! One that was small but not too small, one that liked walks, and one of reasonable intelligence.. I have no idea how this breed appealed to me, but she is the apple of my eye and we get on so well. Her name is Porsha and she is a Schnauzer x Pomeranian (aka Schnauzer-anian) hehe. She even pees outside! although a couple of accidents have happened, but was only day one and i think it was a matter of just not making it in time :) YAY!!!

Sunday, December 31, 2006

Sunday, December 31, 2006
New Years Day... Current mood: nauseated Category: Life
Well...I woke up this morning to my alarm at 5.30am...Adam and I were heading off to Rottnest today with some people I met at the pub last night. At least we were going until I opened my eyes and my head wouldnt stop spinning heheh! So we resorted to Plan B, get up, skull water, take nurofen, go back to bed and die for a few more hours. I haven't drunken THAT much beer in a LONG time...but all in all it was a great night, I met all the bouncers on first name basis (even swapped mobile numbers for queue jumping purposes!) ahah if it ever gets THAT popular.. All is good now though, Mr Whippy knew just how to make me feel better by playing that annoying "eat my ice cream" tune out the front of my house for about 5 minutes (damn cul-de-sac location) hehe so I got a choc top with a flake and I'm about 90% better now :)Enough rambling from me, I hope you all had a safe and awesome new years!! Luv Yas xxx