OZI OZI OZI...OI OI OI 26th January 2007

The last 2 weeks I have caught the train to work. It has been really good winding home before I actually get home....cheaper too :) Although I do ask myself a heap of questions whilst on the train. Like...Why do people think they are better than anyone else and that they should get inside the train first? What happened to common decency and courteousy? Why do people read 300+ page books and get frustrated that people talk or have their music up loud? I could go on all day!!! I cant complain though...I have magazines, books, DS Lite and iPod to rotate depending on how I feel :)

Porsha's been really good! The only thing I can find that's annoying is the snails she decides to bring into the house. Compared to Riley, she is an Angel. I'm beginning to think that's what I should have called her! hehe. Puppy training has been going well...Having socialised with bigger dogs like Indie and Jet, it's way boosted her confidence to play with the staffy x pitbull in her class. She will always have a soft spot for Misty (Chihuahua x Jack Russell) hehe. Next week she is meeting Beau, Fiona's pride n joy! Should be a great day! :)

Today is Australia Day! YAY. Another excuse to have a day off work, drink enough beer to sink a ship, eat lots of bbq food and have beautiful coloured explosions go off in your face while your head spins....Happy Australia Day!


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