This Time I've Been Dealt ACES :)

OK so its been um...FOREVER... always loose the plot with these things... My last post was in January I think...Its now heading towards the rear of April :P
There has been a major highlight that has happened in my life... my parents have bought me a house in Clarkson! Adam and I are renting it and saving for a deposit to buy it off them together... We moved in last weekend and days have been flying since - picking out carpet, paint, timber flooring, etc. cant wait til its finished! and I'm so glad that its all happening with Adam in the picture :) It's been 4 years in november this year! We're gunna try and get away to Sydney around that time so I can climb the harbour bridge!
Porsha's been on her best behaviour and loving the large backyard with grass!!!! and Rex just loves to bee pampered and cuddled and fussed over :P
Adam's taking me to the Perth Cup tomorrow night! So excited! I love the dog racing, theres one dog called Muzz Buzz who is awesome! there are a few good dogs this weekend it will be hard to pick a winner! Should be between Global Warming (Adams Fav), Will you behave and Flashing Floods... possibly Miss Mini Mouse might be in there, but I think I have a Trifecta! hhehee
Thats it for me, works getting busy


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