Thursday, January 11, 2007

Thursday, January 11, 2007
Ok This is Creepy... Current mood: shocked
Having met Kellie for the first time in a few years a couple of months ago, there was one guy who walked in the room and said "Hey Ree." This had me baffled. It is not very often I would meet a person and not remember them....especially a guy. To jog my memory he listed all the places I had seen him and to my suprise...we even used to speak on the internet years ago. I felt so embarrassed..I mean Jon is cool and I have no idea how he managed to totally erase himself from my brain. Then last night, Kellie showed me something....a photo....of me.....with Jon in it!!!!!!! I think I have lost a few years of my life somewhere along the way and the other me has been running a muk or something!!!!!WHERE HAVE I BEEN ALL MY LIFE!!!xxx


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