Sunday, December 31, 2006

Sunday, December 31, 2006
New Years Day... Current mood: nauseated Category: Life
Well...I woke up this morning to my alarm at 5.30am...Adam and I were heading off to Rottnest today with some people I met at the pub last night. At least we were going until I opened my eyes and my head wouldnt stop spinning heheh! So we resorted to Plan B, get up, skull water, take nurofen, go back to bed and die for a few more hours. I haven't drunken THAT much beer in a LONG time...but all in all it was a great night, I met all the bouncers on first name basis (even swapped mobile numbers for queue jumping purposes!) ahah if it ever gets THAT popular.. All is good now though, Mr Whippy knew just how to make me feel better by playing that annoying "eat my ice cream" tune out the front of my house for about 5 minutes (damn cul-de-sac location) hehe so I got a choc top with a flake and I'm about 90% better now :)Enough rambling from me, I hope you all had a safe and awesome new years!! Luv Yas xxx


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