Monday, January 08, 2007

Monday, January 08, 2007
Beautiful and carefree thats how I used to be... Current mood: cheerful Category: Life
Well, i've eaten half a french stick for lunch today and I feel seedy! haha This is my last week off work and I plan to fit as many activities as I can in it! (Also make time for generic blogging and random internet browsing of course) :) So today I've done pretty much SFA, but tonight is our little girls first day at puppy pre-school :) I cant wait to see her mingle with the other puppys! Adam will be missing it though because 20/20 cricket is on tonight and someone has their priorities mixed up..heh. Tomorrow I FINALLY get to see Hannah after like 3 months..pretty stoked to give her her christmas and birthday presents! We're goin to play Nintendo Wii and i'm also taking Porsha to meet Jet, their jack russell. Thursday I will hopefully catch up with Kellie...thinking of going to Jimmy Dean's but possibly will just end up chilling..not too sure yet, somwhere in the next few days I have to pick my parents up from the airport (no idea what day/time) heh. YAY I finally get my 7.1mp camera back and can finally take some nice pics of Porsha :)
Well thats about it for me todayOver and Out!XXX


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