♥ Thursday 19th January 2006 ♥

Today is my anniversary for working at PRP for 3 years! yay! It looks like a plain old ordinary day is in store for me *sigh* although I think I might get a chicken, lettuce and mayo roll from Crossaint Express *dribbles*

Last night I went to my parents house for dinner. I barely ate. I made the mistake of saying to my brother "Gee, you look like you've put on weight since I last saw you"...bad move. Mum heard and was like "I KNEW IT" so she made him go stand on the scales and he's back to 93kgs. Mum threatened him a while ago saying that if he ever touched 100kgs he was to move out, and he even went on some awesome diet plan and got down to 71kgs, but now he's just beefed it on again and everyone is sick of looking at him after all the work he did to loose it the first time. I feel sorry for him, because i've put on a hell of a lot of weight and miss being what I used to be. But i've made my first step by going to the gym. Cohen, is just not interested and is 'happy' with the way he is. Poor Doodle.

Anyways my dvd's have finished bidding on Ebay, so I am off to invoice and make some moolah$!$

Write more probably later today
♥ me xxx


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