aPPLe meet WoRLD... WoRLD meet aPPLe

So I finally got my Ipod Shuffle and I called her aPPLe :) she has a (you guessed it) PINK skin. Very gorgeous if I say so myself.
This afternoon I got a call from St George saying my documents were all drawn up and were waiting for me in the Perth Branch. So I left work at 3.15pm and went and signed them. I also got a cheque written to GE Credit so that's now paid off too THANK GOD! no more GE for Ree hehe. It's been pretty quiet at work which has been very scary...but it's starting to pick up now that i've gotten back from the bank.
Thank the world its Friday! I'm going to mums to help list the Sass & Bide stuff mum bought yesterday. Then this weekend is tidying up and packing for our new place! yay!
Anyways, better go... works starting to come through (at 4pm!!!!)
♥ me xxx


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