♥ I need.... ♥

Well this week has been very frustrating for me... I'm up to my neck again in bills and struggling to pay for them (let alone pay them off) I thought I was about due for a 'review' with work as it has been 2 years since my last pay rise *sigh* but to no avail. I take on more responsibilities and duties and I'm still paid the same as I was when I was just entering in jobs.
I was talking to my parents on the weekend and my dad said the girls at his work in admin START on $35k plus bonuses and it goes up from there. *sigh* I'm starting to wonder if this is it at my job, because I don't even have enough petrol to get me to work and it upsets me that I have to ask Adam to pay for everything... I cant even afford to buy my own food. My rent is more, my car repayments high, my insurances for both car and contents are like $50 a month each.... I find it hard to scrape enough money to pay my rego on time. bah.

depressed ree xxx


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