~!~ Basking in the Afterglow ~!~

I wish I had made more friends in school I really do. I wish I held onto the ones I did make friends with. I only really have Hannah and I have never known anyone to be so damn busy all the time!!! I cant blame her... I mean she has her own life, new location, new bf, new friends, etc... I'm same ol me with the same ol location of "The Sticks" (even though i've moved 5 times in the last 2 years heh). Oh well. I have Christian coming over on Saturday night - Maybe he can be my new girlfriend haha... ive known him since year 10 and spent most of my life after school with him... surely we can have "remember the times" like that time I sold my Pioneer deck to get some cash so we could buy burgers ahah... not quite the same... oh well :P it should be.. interesting.. to say the least.
I went to my parents house last night, was good - mums going to a Sass&Bide sale today so I can make some cash for Sydney in December! I'm SO EXCITED :D I've lost nearly 14kgs to date now too and I'm starting to feel AWESOME again! So much more energy! I cant wait until i've totally lost it as I have a few "changes" I'm looking forward to getting done (its a secret :P)
I rang up my bank this morning and im refinancing my loan! yay! It got approved over the phone, my repayments are lower AND I'm rolling my GE CreditLine card into it so that will be paid off! YAYAYAYA! I just have to wait until next tuesday to sign all the papers! Things are starting to look on the good side again! Moving to an awesome home/locality, Pay Rise, Love, Life in general all seem to be flowing with goodness. (please excuse my outburst of my previous blog) hehe.
♥ me xxx


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