Where's MY 'Happy Ending' ?!?!?!

6 months has passed in the Craigie house and I should have known better I was overstaying my rent limit. I got a call from my agent who informed me yesterday that the owner's of my rental property are selling and that I 'should' be OK to continue renting PROVIDING the new owner's want to a) take us on as tenants & b) decide not to live in it themselves. Talk about heart-sinking. I got off the phone and basically broke down at work *sigh* how embarrassing.
That night I explained to Adam the situation and he basically said to not wait around to find out - to just go out and find a new place and that he was willing to pay upto $220 a week now. That made me feel a bit better....
This morning there was an envelope at the bottom of my pc screen, my Inbox was full of emails suggesting "You too can have a large Penis" WHAT THE?! . meh. but in amongst all that there was an email from Eileen, my lovely agent who was SOOO apologetic about what happened. She also informed that there was a rental in Clarkson for $200 and its mine for the taking...I had to call back in the afternoon.
Sooooooooo 4 hrs of stressfull waiting I decided to call and she was there. There is a 'home open' at 10am tomorrow. IM SO THERE! She said that there will probably be a heap of people but to not be put off about it and to just "play along"....because its mine if I like it.... how sweet is that! If I do decide to take it, I will pop into their office and sign a few papers and im done! they will even transfer the bond money from my last place! Finally... things are looking better...I am in LOVE ALREADY! My agent just emailed me through some pics of the house! SO EXCITED NOW! SUCH A DIFFERENCE TO CRAIGIE!
Luv me xxx


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