.•:*¨¨*:•.Monday Night Fun!.•:*¨¨*:•.

Last night was a really good night. Aside from the pouring raing, freezing cold weather and the fear of getting lost... I made it to Hannah's house!! hehe. It was pretty freezing in there, but the heat of the projector kept me warm... I had the honors of even writing my name on the fridge! heheh. For dinner, I had 'The Usual' - Chicken and Champignions.... but she made crumbed chicken n veggies for her and her bf, Anthony... YUM! I HAD A FEW CRUMBS ON MY PLATE! which may be why I haven't lost any weight at all this morning... (Maybe it was the whiffs of Bacardi and Coke I stole from Hannah's pre-mix) *smirk* Hopefully we can continue the once a fortnight visits going - I always have a blast, which is why we've been friends for like??? EVER!!! coming onto 20 years soon! soon I say! yay! heheh
♥ me xxx


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