7 Days Til Moving Day ♥ 7/6/2006

7 days to go... I found out today my pay has gone up by 7 grand! which is awesome - except I took time off last week to look at this Clarkson house and now I have no overtime :( So this weeks pay is just the same ol same ol - At least I dont HAVE to do overtime to get this amount, but it definately looks like i'll be getting a second job.
This week I have only lost 1.4kg.. spose its better than a gain and I did nibble on some chocolate hehe - Stressed! and I'm not allowed to win the Biggest Loser competition my family has going because i've won it 3 weeks in a row! I bet i've still lost the most (even with a minor cheat) heh.
I went to AudioCom last saturday and they took out my Deck!!!! I'm getting it replaced under warranty, but still - I wont have any tunes for up to 3 WEEKS! *sigh* Good job I put an ipod shuffle on LayBuy! Adam said we can pick it up this Thursday! YAYAY! I'm running out of animals on Old McDonald's Farm - e i e i ohhhh hehehe. ahem.
Yes well anyways, I gotta do some work (or at least attempt to... My stomach is growling at me)
♥ me xxx


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