♥ Saturday 30th September 2006 ♥

Well, I finally got my tattoo and after months of working myself up freaking about the pain, it felt nothing like I thought it would. I can't even describe the feeling...it doesn't really feel like burning, or a cat scratching or anything like people were trying to describe it...I said to Chantelle, my tattooist that I must be sick and twisted as I was sitting there with a smile on my face hahaha I'm SOOO happy with it! I gotta go back in 3 weeks to see how things are going and whether I need a touch-up or not but she confirmed that I can go horse riding next sunday! woohoo! Anyways, I have a headache and I'm tired (I guess 3 hours of hearing the tattoo gun and sitting still has worn me out/given me a headache) hehe I dont really feel like doing much tonight, so Adam and I hired Zathura from the video store :P heh heh heh
♥ me xxx


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