Holden MUST triamph the MOUNTAIN!

Well just a quick update on my life first.....
1) Today is mums bday! Happy Birthday Mummykins!
2) My Tattoo is starting to peel. Like a c0c00n, a beautiful butterfly shall emerge
3) I have tomorrow (Friday) off work...I will be cleaning the house and probably seeing mummy dearest.
4) Friday Night Hannah and her bf Anthony will be coming over for HJ'S and then off to see the World Trade Center @ zee cinema (hopefully!!!)
5) Saturday is MY Birthday! Of which my family and I are going to my favourite Indian Restaurant for dinner (BRING ON THE KORMA!)
6) Sunday I am going a MUCH anticipated horse riding with KeLBeL! Should be a laugh *mental note: remember camera!*
7) Sunday is also BATHURST! My favourite car race of the year! a) its always on my bday weekend b) its in Bathurst, SYDNEY my home town! and c) this is BROCK'S MOUNTAIN! I REALLY hope Skaife wins it this year, but I will settle for ANY HOLDEN to triamph at the mountain. It would mean a lot to me and be the best birthday present ever!

Peter Brock Trophy Caps A Special Supercheap Auto Bathurst 1000
3:58 pm, 05 Oct 2006

Mount Panorama just won’t be the same without Peter Brock. But he will be there in spirit and every driver is desperate to win the inaugural Peter Brock Trophy on Sunday afternoon.As teams, drivers and thousands of campers take hold at the Mountain for this weekend’s Supercheap Auto Bathurst 1000, Brock’s name is on everybody’s lips.His passing has transcended the deep-set Ford and Holden rivalry as Brock has touched almost every single driver in the race in his own special way, not to mention tens of thousands of Australians.But rightfully Holden, Brock’s colour for most of his career, believe it is most fitting that one of their charges has the honour of raising the trophy for the first time. This being said Ford’s Craig Lowndes, a defector some years back, will be equally desperate as he was perhaps one of the closest to Brock.The Peter Brock Trophy has been expertly crafted by Hardy Brothers Jewellers and will be unveiled to the media for the first time on Friday morning at 10.30am. It will then be put on public display at various times on Friday and Saturday before being presented to the winners by Brock’s brother Phillip on Sunday afternoon.Four-time Bathurst winner Greg Murphy, while counting out his own chances, reckons it’s important for the memory of Peter Brock that a Holden driver triumphs on the mountain on Sunday.Brock won the race nine times, twice winning the title three times in a row, as well as 12 podium finishes and six pole positions – a record unmatched by all comers before and since.“I think that it would be a more fitting tribute for a Holden driver to win,” Murphy said.“His memory, his exploits at Bathurst and the trophy in his name makes it pretty important for all Holden teams to do a good job this year.”


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