°•..•°†•° I Hate Monday's °• †°•..•°

Well there's good news and bad news... Bad news is I had to work on Saturday (idiot me drove all the way into town and realised I forgot to bring my work keys, so had to drive back home to get them dOH!) Good news is I'm allowed to hire someone to work for me in the Help Desk/Admin area for our property valuation company... AND I will be Quote: "Paid Accordingly" Oh I'm so excited, things are actually starting to work in my favour. I'm SO ready to take on this role :) The successful applicant will be chosen by ME... I have an idea of what I want... Someone like ME :) The odds of finding that are pretty much slim to NONE, but if they have an expandable brain, thats good enough... This position is not for the faint hearted and involves a LOT of information to be obtained pretty much all at once... if there is anyone in Perth (HAH SIF?!?) interested, drop me a resume: dramatik@hotmail.com
Howzat! WORLD WIDE JOB POSITION SPEEL :P oh well, worth a shot!
Not much else has really happened... endulged Saturday night on a Pizza, Beer and new Harry Potter movie, but other than that, not much else...Flu's cleared up pretty good... Stoked it only lasted 3 days or so. Calm before the storm??? hmm...
Anyways, off to heat up my Pad Thai I made last night *dribbles*
♥ me xxx


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