♥ The things people do to their kittys ♥

Well I have fallen in love all over again... Sunday, Adam took me to the RSPCA on the way home from the city. We were supposed to look at pups, but I spotted the CUTEST little fluffy kitten! He was black and white like Rex, but he looked like an old man hahah! I called him Whiskers! Only trouble is, Adam doesn't want another kitty :( My heart still aches knowing that I left an adoreable creature behind bars :( Someone will definately take him home, but I wished it could have been me... Rex would love to have someone to play with besides me.

Not much else has happened, I went to work on Saturday which made my weekend fly... and now I have the starting of a flu *sigh* Im stocked up on Cold n Flu Tabs but, so hopully it will pass without getting really bad.
♥ me xxx


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