♥ .•:*¨¨*:•.Happy Birthday Dad.•:*¨¨*:•. ♥

Today is my dads birthday :) yayay! Going around after work tonight for a roast dinner*dribbles*... Last night after work I drove to the Golf Box in East Perth to get his present and they were shutting, so I shouted "WAIT I NEED A SHAG" and they let me in hahahah :)
I bought him a "shag bag" ... Its a pole with a bag on the end which you press down on a golf ball and it sucks it up... so dad will never have to bend down to pick up a ball again! SO SLACK!haha.. oh well...

Other than that not much is on the front for the weekend. It sucks having to go to mums on saturday's though. Dad goes to golf so mum pretty much wants my undivided attention.
It makes my weekends go so much quicker :( I'm trying to get out of going this weekend... I actually think i'm starting to get sick...I have had a continual headache for 3 days now... *sigh*

The weather has been awesome the last few days... it's caused a lot of accidents on the roads, but it's good to have some rain :) I cant believe how nice and FREEZING it gets in my house.**First winter approaching in my new place** :) It should be awesome!!!
Note: From about May, I start winging about how cold I get and how my nose freezes off and how I walk around with a beanie, a scarf, 10 jackets and ugg boots all day :P

Work wise has been good.... I got to choose all of our new technical equipment all by myself!
We have a projector, a pull down screen, media centre pc, a new server and PDAS! W00t!!
Oh how I love technology! :) Now if only I could convince them that Xbox 360 will be usefull for our firm haha =) Nah! I think our little setup should be AWESOME! Right in time for the footy!

Anyways I gotta go, my coffee's getting cold and I'm busting for the toilet
♥ me xxx


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