♥ Could it be a Phone Obsession? ♥

Well my weekend was planned on Friday. I decided to cut down on things I was overspending on as I am slowly running out of things to sell on Ebay :) My main concern was my recent bill from Vodafone.... $79 cap is way too much for what I actually spend on calls, so I decided to go to town after work to do some research on different options. Vodafone has a $49 pre-paid option but the main reason for going on a plan was so I didn't have to find stores who sold credit and then ring through stupid numbers to get more 'credit'. It was pathetic. Not to mention those frustrating times when I REALLY needed to use it, but ran out of credit @%&*! So I went to Living Digital... I sought out a $49 cap, but also spotted a gem sparkling at me..Stylish, slim and sexy (everything I'm not haha!) But it was PINK and I HAD to have it. It was $15 a month to repay, and I didn't think that was the right choice (considering my aim was to cut down), So I rang Adam to see what he thought...Bad Move :) He said if I came home with a Phone, to not bother coming home at all :( So I went home empty handed and mopy... Saturday, I went to mum's and asked her what she thought I should do about my $79 cap problem, and she said to cut down and go with optus but not get the phone for at least another year. So Sunday was my final day of decision making, whether to get a new phone, whether to change to Optus, whether to get a new number or transfer my old one (after realising that my phone repayment would come out as a whole rather than monthly, I decided to opt for a new number). Sunday morning I woke up at 9am, had a shower and went to the gym, by the time I got ready, it was 11.00....Town doesn't open until 12, but I went anyway! I got there at 11.25am... 35 mins of waiting on a park bench will kind of make you go insane, but I regained my sanity and walked into the store. I asked the sales woman if there were just plans I could go on, and WOW, there was!!! So I went on a $45 per month plan +plus+ 30 Free SMS included and I got the phone at $0 :) So I told Adam and mum and they were both happy with my choice, and now I have a new toy to play with = ~!~ HAPPY REE ~!~
♥ me xxx


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