♥ My Baby Boys are Growing Up ♥

I cant believe how cute rabbits can be, they have grown a LOT since I last blogged about them, but they stay cute!! I wish I could say the same for me as I get older hehe :)

Last night on my way home from work, I was going through a green light at a traffic intersection on Wellington Street and Barrack Street, there was a white car on the other side of the traffic lights in their right hand lane going straight as well. As I was just about to go through the lights, I heard tyres screaming, it was from the white car... they hit a pedestrian. I say pedestrian as it all happened in front of my face, I was staring, but it didn't register.. so much happened so quick, I have no idea if it was a male or female...all I saw was arms and legs flopping everywhere. I figured if I had of stopped I would have caused another accident, so I kept going... trying to erase what had happened out of my brain, but it is singed in there for some reason. I rang the police and reported it and left my details incase they needed me as a witness for anything and they were very appreciative. I woke up this morning and it was the first thing in my mind. I feel terrible to have witnessed it front-on... right in front of my face, and to not have stopped. In all accidents I have seen, I will stop and help. The last accident I bared witness to was a sports car turning right at a traffic intersection on Shenton Avenue, but they weren't going quick enough and a truck plummetted into them. It was an accident I could see coming before it actually happened. I was the car turning right behind them, but I kept a 2.5 car distance and enough space for them to reverse back behind the line if need be, but they went for it, So I helped them climb out of their car and went to the police station to get help. This time, I just kept driving :( I have no idea if they even made it through the night...
♥ me xxx


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