♥ Late Night Shopping! ♥

Today is the 22nd of June 2006 - NOTE: Arrangements with Hannah to meet at the movies to see Pirates of the Carribbean on Friday 7th of July 2006! YAY! if only I could eat popcorn or lollies hehe :) Oh well! Should be an awesome night!
I have purple eye shadow on today! Its got a bit of glitter in it. Not as good as the one I used to have a few years ago (purple with green glitter)
THAT ROCKED!%$ - Refer to today's pic although u cant really see anything! mehehe
Anyways, tonight Adam is taking me shopping! yay! Although we will probably take the beast rather than the EVO hehe :P Oh well! We're going to buy a new vaccuum and I wanna get a big tin so I can put all my spare change in for Sydney! We gotta book tickets soon yay! I SO cant wait to go! its gonna go OFF! w00t!
I am back on my diet today! I have a few kgs and then im there! ALMOST THERE but I wanna be THERE and if I hold off on the junk food cheating I can do my 'CHANGES' i've been raving on for the last 2 months! Can you believe its been 2 months exactly (yesterday 21/6) since I started this diet and i've lost 15kgs! Im so stokeD! I didn't think I could make it this far!
I got a new exercise DVD from Jillian Michaels - Cardio Kickboxing! YAY! I'm going to go through it on Saturday! I CANT WAIT! hehehe
Oh yeah and my ADSL got finished yesterday, so my modem is on its way and then I can BLOG from home every night instead of at work when its generally really busy! w00t.

Anyways, I gonna skoot
♥ me xxx


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