♥ What an Awesome Week! ♥

Wow!! the last time I blogged would have probably been last Tuesday! Adam, Mum, Dad and Cohen all helped me move on Wednesday and even came back to help clean up the Craigie house! The carpets were cleaned and then we handed the keys in! PHEW! Was sooooooo glad to be giving them keys up! I picked Rex up from the vet that night and he took to the new house as if he'd been living there for years - was pretty strange, but less distressing for him/us :) So yeah Thurs/Fri I spent pretty much unpacking everything. Was good to get a break from work too. Adam came home early every day too so was good having him around to help ♥
Friday night we went bowling for work which was awesome as usual and Adam won in our team! yay! I slept in quite late on Saturday - was sooooo shattered from moving/setting up it all must have crept up on me. Saturday night I did a trial night at Hogs Breath Cafe in Mindarie from 5-9pm. It was quite fun to say the least :) (I wanted it for a bit of extra money for Sydney) but I have a feeling I might get a bit run down working 60hr weeks with my other job too... So im "Thinking About It" and will let Phil know in the next few days......Sunday was Mine and Adams 2 years & 7 months Anniversary! We got CANARIES! hehehe they are soooo gorgeous! I got a yellow one with brown markings and I called him Chupa Chup - He reminds me of the Banana-Choc flavour! and Adam got a light orangey coloured one - he is yet to be named but I personally think Adam should call him [V] because he is full of so much energy! Rex is scared of them :( but thats probably a good thing! We also spent the day in Freo & Subiaco markets looking for English flags for Adams car, but to no avail! damn! We've looked everywhere for them!!!

That's pretty much it - back at work today *sigh* I wish I took longer off! So tired! DAMN SOCCAROOS! hehehe
♥ me xxx


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