Got a new Baby Girl in the family!

Well, it wasn't planned, but I have had one of the best weekends in a long time!

Friday couldn't have come sooner! The weather has been really hot, but brilliant and today has been spitting a bit on and off so has cooled down the house! It's the first time I've had all the windows/doors open in this house! I absolutely LOVE this house! Only downfall is having no air-conditioning, but I might speak to my real estate agent in a few weeks! Probably up for rent inspection soon! Good job I've started pruning hedges and starting to tidy up the gardens!

For the last few weeks I've been on and off about wanting another kitten! I was thinking originally getting a female chihuahua, but Riley is SOOOO needy, I don't think I could have two chihuahua's demanding sooo much attention. Adam actually said yes to getting a kitten yesterday! Just like that! *SHRUG* hehe. So we went looking at all the pet shops seeing as though EVERY SINGLE KITTEN in the quokka was sold! (aside from the $300 ones hehe! I didn't need a kitten THAT badly! hehe) I suggested having a look in kingsway shopping centre as my mums friend owns that store and I know they would have been well looked after! There were 3....I fell in Love with this gorgeous tabby! I've always wanted a tabby since I took Rex and said no to the one from mums litter kus she was too much like Chloe - I didn't really want a replica of her... This one just gracefully looked at me from the enclosure they were in! I asked to hold her and she cried a little bit but I think it was from the noise of the shopping centre... then...she licked my chin. That was IT. I HAD to have her! She is the most amazing-est beautiful little girl I have come across (most girls don't like me) but she is so full of character and charisma, she even has Rex and Riley sorted out!! haha! She slept in our bed last night and I didn't hear peep from her at all!! She hasn't stopped purring since we've brought her home! haha! We've decided to call her Tiger. . .


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