Weekend Worth of Artistic Design for my new Masterpiece!

Ok so this weekend was pretty much spent on tattoos. Saturday Adam and I went looking at the tattoo shop so he could pick his tattoo he wanted for the inside of his arm - $450 bucks later and 2 tattoos, I was pretty pissed off. He was only supposed to get one. I don't want him to get 2. It pretty much ruined my day. Until Garfield came into the picture. Apparently it was meant to cheer me up. I did forget that he is getting 2 tattoos in 2 weeks time, but its bugging me again now. *sigh* I told him i'd be looking for a new bf without tattoos. He just told me not to be silly. meh. I went on the net saturday night to get this email from some random:

"Heya, firstly i just want to say i dont know what you are talking about in your survery you have a hot body...Plus you also love holdens and go for the dockers!!! Your bf is SOOOOOO lucky thats all i gotta say! Have to admit i am jealous :P Hope all is well :) PS Nice tatt"

I read it out to adam and told him that he IS lucky to have me. Things went up from there (probably only kus I skulled a shitload of Beam) I cheated the whole day and managed to only put on 200 grams *phew* I walked it off that night anyways hehe :) After boasting that people actually LIKE me, I went searching for tattoo ideas. nothing. *sigh* I then came up with the idea of having an Angel on one side and a Devil on the other. After pondering through birds, seahorses, dragonflys I thought maybe "My Little Pony" as it is still my favourite toy and something that me and Hannah grew up playing with. I drew up some sketches but after 'umming and ahhhing' decided that they have too much detail in their manes and tails for the size I want on my hips. I still loved the Devil & Angel idea but still wanted something girly as I really don't want to regret getting any artwork on my body. I decided on birds. Like butterflys, they too have wings to spread and fly to freedom (once again somthing I still long for haha!) PERFECT!

So after a few sketches and a few colour trials, this is what I have come up with! Of course they will be lower and smaller, but enlarged just to keep the detail ready for Chantelle my tattoo artist to make a stencil with w00t :) I'm so excited! Only downfall is to get it on a saturday or sunday I will have to wait until November! eek! oh well, will be worth the wait, im still in awe about my current tattoo :)


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