Saturday 28th October - COX PLATE

COX PLATE 28th October 2006
Trainers/Owners put a lot of time, training and money into these magnificant creatures. Horses. The next 3 weeks will be full on. This week we have the Cox Plate, and i'm not the frequent gambler, but I just have that FEELING that I got when I placed a bet on Makaybe Diva and she won at last years Melbourne Cup. Glen Boss, who raced Diva too the finish line is racing a beautiful horse called 'Racing to Win' and i've got a feeling thats just what they'll do. So on Monday I will be either very happy or very poor :P hahah but GO HORSIES!!!!!!!!!
Last night after work, I went and saw my good friend Dean and after sitting in his landcruiser having the daylights rattled out of me from his new sound system he installed and having the whole of AudioCom stare at my tattoo for 10minutes (had to explain to him my absense for a few months) I managed to put a Pioneer monoblock Amplifier on laybuy (paid for most of it YAY!) So next month my stereo is going to be SO LOUD, Dean says it will be so good that he doubt's ill even want a SECOND subwoofer like I had originally planned! *skweel*
Hannah's on holidays this week, lucky girl, but I get the feeling after her doing some advertisement thing at home the other day she is far from actually having a holiday :/ It's been good timing though, because Its been soooooo busy at work for me and sooooooo frantic with this new system being put into place on monday and having to go to training sessions and stuff... eek!


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