Classification: Hit & Run

Well, its been 1 week today since I got ran over by a chump in a SS Commodore :( I figured it was about time I blogged about it, as I am sick of explaining it everytime to everyone :)

The Situation: Tuesday 14th November, got sent home from work at 12.20pm due to flu like symptoms

The Accident: I was walking down Hay Street in East Perth (1-way street) I noticed the Black VY SS Commodore as it was stopped in a "drop off" zone out the front of the commercial agents. It reversed up the curb and I remember saying "OUCH" about him scraping his mags. He then proceeded to accelerate forward at which by then I was about 3 car lengths or so away and half way across the road when he floored it in reverse and knocked me over. I was pretty shaken and some guy dragged me a bench on the side of the road to calm me down. The guy got out and explained that he wanted to park in a car bay on the other side of the road but went in reverse as it was down a 1 way street, but he didn't see me. I said I was ok, of which after the adrenaline wore off, I wasnt. The old man said that I was fine and that he should "take off" of which I now cant believe had happened. He didn't leave any name or details and I didn't think at the time to get his plates. Spewing.

The Solution: I went back to work to calm down of which my IT guy insisted on taking me to the hospital. I ended up with sore ribs, elbow, wrist, shoulder, knee, ankle and foot. It has now been a week and I have to start a physio session for the next few days and then see how I go from there. *sigh* at this stage there is no solution, but work had done investigating a couple of days later and spotted a black SS in the same area. I reported those plates to the police of which they will do further investigations....time will tell... he's in trouble with hit and run if it is him.


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