Curiousity Killed The Cat...Boredom Will Kill Me :)

Wednesday, November 29, 2006
Curiousity Killed The Cat...Boredom Will Kill Me :)
Current mood: blah
Category: Life

I cant believe I am still off work :/ I have done more damage than I thought :( A few more sessions at physio and I should be right... nearly able to drive, but atm im not very confident (specially with the rain around)Not much else has happened while i've been off work, days have flown by and I cant beleive its Christmas in 26 days hehe yay! No one else has visited me since Megan and Seth came by with some 'get better' lollies :( I don't really want sympathy from everyone, but it would have been nice having some visitors to break up my nights... heh im going to forget how to sociallise its been THAT long heh...
Thats it for me today... Have physio soon and on hold at the cop shop to find out if they have checked the plates I have given them *sigh* sick of chasing everyone up :(
♥ me xxx


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