Saturday, December 16, 2006

Saturday, December 16, 2006
Life... Current mood: hungry
Ok well I'm spewing! WHY did I decide to go on a diet and make a whole life change around freaking Christmas! I will be on holidays and bored a LOT and sitting here craving ice cream and chocolate all day sucks. Today is only my third day :( I weighed myself this morning and I have lost 2.5kgs though which makes me feel good.. still have a long ass haul to go and I'm sick of being grumpy already heheh
I have caught up with Kellie from school and she is going to help me do this diet. By March she wants to have lost a few kgs for her cousins wedding, so it's a good incentive! And me? Well… I just want to look HOT :) hehe

Not much else has been happening in the wonderful life of Ree aside from starvation and boring sugarless foods…. I think if I came back as something I would be a sugar glider or something ehehhe sounds cute!


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