8 Days Till The BIG Move

I swear I have more CRAP than i've ever moved with! hahah On top of the general crap, clothes, cds and shoes, I now have a washing machine, fridge, barbecue and a dining table/chairs EEK! So this time I have to hire a furniture moving trailer! $79 later! sheesh! I've also booked Rex in for desexing/getting nails trimmed for the same day - Luckily I can leave him there all day! I also booked the carpets in to be cleaned which is like $96! EEK! Moving is expensive. I said to Adam "when are we buying a house" and he said as soon as i'm out of debt! Bad news is im always in debt heheh good news is, with my pay rise and possible second job, I MAY just be able to save! I think it's about time we did something BIG together.... Last night on the way home from the movies, Adam told me that I am his best friend, as well as girlfriend AWW!!! He's never come out and said anything like that just out of the blue! it was such an awesome moment.
Anyways thats it for me today... its been busy as hell here today which is good in a way, but its 5pm and time for me to skoot!
♥ me xxx


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