♥ 5 days til Easter ♥

Today is the conference. I hope everyone is impressed with the work I did yesterday! *gulps*
I wore my new shirt Adam bought me on the weekend! (refer to today's pic) hehe! I feel.... Professional:)

My parents have gone to Kalbarri / Geraldton until Wednesday, so I popped in to see my brother last night... I bet he's loving the no parent thing! I know I did :P I asked him to list everything he wants so I can pick something to get for his birthday, but he reckons he has everything he needs and doesn't want anything else! *hmph* I have NO IDEA what to get him as he takes no interest in anything other than warcraft or some crap. No DVDS no CDS no booze, nothing :( *sigh*
♥ me xxx


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