♥ The Things You Do For Love ♥

What a day! *sigh* it is going FOREVER :( just when I think I have finished with this tender document I have been working on, my boss will make changes and I will have to make them, re-bind it and take it back for further analysis. SO OVER IT TODAY. My attitude towards work is sinking. I'm sick of being thrown around to whatever suits that specific day. I dont even remember when I did a FULL DAY's worth of residential typing (as I was hired to do). I will hang in there for a bit longer, but everyone is so tense and emotions are going haywire, I dont think I can see myself putting up with it forever. I've only just got back from a holiday and I already feel run down and worn out and wanting more holidays.
I've got a rent inspection on thursday *yay* It will be the first time my agent see's my zoo :) I hope she doesn't faint :P I only have a kitty, mouse and rabbit.... surely its not THAT BAD *smirk*

Today's picture is dedicated to my wonderful Adam. I cant believe how close we have been the last few weeks. I call him every day after work so he can 'walk' with me until I get to my car so I'm safe. Normally I will ask him what time he will be home and he says "I'm not sure, bout 8.30/9pm" and now when I ask, he's like "As soon as possible Smoochy". Most of the time he gets home before I even get home :) I think he's been hesitant in the past, because he hasn't really had a full-on relationship that has lasted mutually, but now I think he understands me and the way I think and that leaving isn't an option for me :) awww feel the Love :D
Anyways, off to finish this tender that is driving me nuts. At least now I feel warm and fuzzy and nuts :P
♥ me xxx


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