♥ What's the worst that could happen in 1 weekend♥

What a weekend! Friday Night, Hannah and Anthony came around and we went to 10-pin bowling. Was interesting to say the least and YES, I did suck :)
Saturday Morning I dragged my ass outta bed at 8.15am and went to my gym appraisal. I am still flexible *w00t*. Mum showed up 30mins late and didn't look too happy. I went back to mums after the gym and noticed that the right hand side of Roxy's head was all swollen. Mum said she thought it was another bee sting, but took her up the vet just to make sure. They lifted her top lip and she had a massive ulcer looking thing that literally came from nowhere. So they did some tests and a biopsy, but they were pretty sure it was cancerous, but not sure to what extent. Mum said then and there that she would probably have to be put down as it had gone down all her throat and that she was not eating properly. So to take mums mind off Roxy and anxiously waiting for the results, I took mum to look at puppies to get her in the mood incase the worst did happen.

Saturday night I was pretty worn out so we stayed in and watched 'Red Eye'. I thought it was pretty good.
Sunday, we got the news that Roxy only had 4 weeks (if that) to live :( She has already gone off her food and with going through cancer with Domino for most of his 11 years of life, we decided it was best to put Roxy down as soon as possible :( as preserving her life is probably the worst we can do for her. So that was the end of the weekend pretty much. I couldn't bring myself to goto work on Monday. I sat in bed with Rex most of the morning, got up, motivated myself enough to goto the gym, went to my parents house to see the family and moped around - watched 'How to Lose a Guy in 10 Days'. I decided to ring a lady in Bayswater about a rabbit - to take my mind off everything. She said to come down and have a look at the mum and dad and pick out a baby.
So I went there and they were SO adoreable. They were only a week old and hadn't even opened their eyes :) I picked a light grey one...Thumper...I will add a pic tomorrow, but for now: ~25-1-2006 ~ RIP ROXY ~ 25-1-2006 ~

Adam came home early, which was good to get my mind off things. And now I'm at work. *sigh*
♥ me xxx


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