♥ Wednesday 25th January 2006 ♥

Well today has suprisingly gone fairly fast. I figured it would be a slow, boring day having Roxy on my mind and anticipating the Australia Day public holiday tomorrow. It is already 2pm.

I have listed my mp3 player, a DVD boxset, 2 PC games and an SD Memory Card on Ebay today, so hopefully will get some more money coming in.

I cant believe it actually rained last night. 25th of January = SUMMER not RAIN :P oh well im not complaining...37°C is just TOO HOT :( I skipped the gym for the first time last night and I feel really bad, so I am going to double up tonight - goto the gym AND goto my parents for dinner. *sigh* Today is going to be a bad day when I get to my parents house. It will be the first time we've seen each other since the death of Roxy :( *sob*

I forgot to download my pic of Thumper off my mobile last night, so today's picture is inspiration from the Gym :) and my gorgeous boyfriend *awwww*
♥ me xxx


Blogger Tony Grant said...

Great post. You guys look good together, Hey come by and visit www.lovesbible.com, we'll chat.

3:28 PM  

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