For a Wednesday, today SUCKS :) its going FOREVERRRRRRRRR. Last night was pretty cool, Mum said she'd meet me at the gym, but didn't show up until 6.50pm (our circuit finishes at 7pm), but then she came back to my house and I introduced her to Buster :) who in turn thought it would be a good idea to introduce him to Rex :P was pretty funny. I cant believe Buster stood his ground and Rex was scared of him :P
Tonight I am going to the gym and getting a new fitball. My dad borrowed my last one and i got it back and I cant believe how small it is :P YAY!
I have a rent inspection tomorrow *sigh* Cleaning tonight :/
The Quokka comes out tomorrow :) I finally get to look for a cashmere bunny for buster :) I want to breed them and have baby cashmere x neatherland dwarfs :) they would be so cute and fluffy.

Anyways I gotta do some work, its 4pm and the day is FINALLY nearly over. w00t.
♥ me xxx


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