♥ Another Weekend Gone ♥

I have never woken up screaming before.
Then again, I have never woken up to a cat hanging from my armpit with it's claws :(
I think it scared me more than anything, but the pain came quickly afterwards.
I must have knocked Rex and he's gone to grab on to me to stop from falling off the bed.

That was Friday night. Ouch.

My weekend did manage to get better :) Saturday I had intentions of cleaning out the rabbit cages and cleaning my mags, but got stuck at mums sorting out ebay queries and doing my washing. We went to City Farmers and Officeworks and came back again. Hannah's mum, Maureen popped in. Was good to catchup with her :) Then I went home, watched Shallow Hal and went to bed.

Sunday, Adam and I decided to put Thumper on our bed and let him prance around for a bit. He enjoyed it so much that he wouldn't allow me to pick him back up :) I said to Adam that because he is so much younger than Buster, we should have gotten him a playmate and Adam was like "Yeah, You should have" Buster is happy lying down on his ice block all day. You can hold him forever and he's happy to just sit there and be stroked. Thumper on the other hand is adventurous. Whenever you hold him he wants to hop out and discover the house.
So, we now have Snoop, a black dwarf rabbit to keep Thumper company. I have to take them to the vet to suss out their sex's.

And now I'm back at work *sigh* Today is going to be 36°C and I'm stuck in an office. I would love to be at the beach today.
♥ me xxx


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