♥ Tuesday 7th Feb 2006 ♥

I typed a blog just then and some stupid firewall came up and I lost it. So I am not going to sit here and retype it. Lets just say, it was a crap day and people's actions annoy me. I tend to just keep my mouth shut to avoid arguements and 'falling outs'. *sigh*
Yesterday was 37°C and it managed to rain our average monthly rainfall of 18mm in 2 hours. Amazing. We had to bring the bunnies in last night. I was scared they were going to get electricuted :) It took a bit of convincing, but I eventually got my own way *smile*
Adam's car turned out to be exactly what I told him it would be on friday when it stuffed up. His immobiliser. Old cars don't like new things. I learnt that the hard way when I tried re-wiring a strobe light into mums car *smirk* **Todays pic is brought to you by my mom and the wonderful bundle of joy in our family, Indy**

♥ me xxx


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