♥ Friends ♥

It's funny how friends in general come and go. Things change in their lives and they suddenly don't have anymore time for you. I suffer from this from most of my friends. They meet someone new that they devote 100% of their attention to, or they get a new job that they now want weekends for 'quiet time' or they get married and no longer are on your 'level'... Then you have the friends that don't go away. You fob them off as much as you can and they still come back for more.
Isn't there a happy medium?
For the last week, ive been trying to get the attention of the wrong people. I should start spending time with those that actually want to do stuff. Take Peter for example. We met on the internet when I was 15, he used to goto Craigie Highschool of which I went to their ball as a partner for his best mate, Sean. We used to be the best of buds when we both finished school. We had a common interest. Beer. We used to ride around all day and end up with a pint or 10 at a tavern or a 6-pack at Mullaloo Beach. Those were the days...
We have drifted apart since then. His dad was a moron. He threated me to stop hanging out with Peter and thatI was a bad influence. Despite my mum ringing his dad and stating that I was a good kid, he insisted that I stay away until he at least finished uni. 2 years later, he now has almost finished. He is on Holidays at the moment and insists on seeing me. I would love to. But I guess I'm scared of his dad. Perhaps I should risk the chance of his dad following us (which he continuously managed to do).
Then there are the psycho obsessed, ree fan club fanatics, and generally interested people of whom I choose to ignore...Don't know why? Then I have all of Pooks crowd from back in the days. These people were individuals, but all totally awesome in their own ways.
Some how, I've managed to loose touch of most of them over the years *sigh*

Its amazing how they slowly 1-by-1 find their way back...
♥ me xxx


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