♥ Monday 6th Feb 2006 ♥

Just when I thought my family was big enough, 2 new arrivals came on Sunday. In my parents side of the family, our newest member, Indy, an 8 week old boxer. Everyone is happy with their new bouncing bundle of joy after the loss of our dear Roxy. And in my side of the family, a much anticipated cotton-ball, Thumper, at also 8 weeks. She (assuming its a 'she') is the sweetest little thing I have every seen. She is so oblivious to her surroundings and very dependent on me to look after her, because she was only taken away from her mother on Wednesday, and it was her first day away from her brothers and sisters on Sunday. She loves cuddles and even nudges me to give her more when I stop :) She loves playing in my hair too :P Rex is a bit jealous at the moment, and it's really hard juggling rabbits with my kitten, without anyone getting hurt, but its getting there :) Rex is starting to understand that although my attention is focussed on other animals, at the end of the night, he sleeps in my bed and the other animals stay outside.
It was bound to happen sooner or later, but unfortunately it's happened sooner rather than later.....Adam's car has a problem. His dad's friend is coming to look at it today, but until the problem is fixed, im his taxi to work at 5.30am *sigh* I'm so tired at work today and the day doesn't end after work either, I have to goto the gym, make tea, have a shower, feed rex, cut up buster and thumpers treats (fruit & veg) and feed m00. Hehe. I can't believe fruit and veggies are a rabbit's "TREAT".... To me, a treat is like ice-cream or chocolate or something sickly and fattening :P
Added a few more things to sell on ebay, have a few more lined up too.
Anyways, gotta shut down the server, our IT man is doing some 'upgrades'.
♥ me xxx


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