♥ Valentine's Day was a Doozy ♥

Yesterday was Valentine's Day. Unfortunately I didn't get time to blog about it, but that was good because it only really began after I got home from work :) Adam got me a big box of roses, a gorgeous teddy called Oscar and the sweetest Valentine's Day Card. I melt every time I read it... He wrote: "Another year has flown by and I love you now more than ever"....AWWWWH melts* hehe.
We then went to Hungry Jacks for dinner and then back home. We were going to goto King's Park, but I said we should go on our Anniversary on Saturday instead.
Adam has been getting up to goto work at 4am, which is a killer, so by about 9pm he was ready for bed. I stayed up and watched The OC (A teenage show which has slight resemblance to my past and people I know) I crept into bed at about 10pm, but by then Adam had recouperated so I got lots of snuggles :)
This morning I stopped off at Officeworks on my way to work and got a hard covered notebook, some scissors and some glue. I am going to print my blogs and create a 'diary' with photo's, as it has been the only thing I've really done and stuck to doing :)
Today is my last day of doing my normal job for the week. Tomorrow and Friday I have to do the Help Desk job. I'm kind of looking forward to it as this week I have done pretty much nothing other than commercials and letters for my boss. I like doing the commercials, but a few months ago they were taken off me and handed to an external typist. I cracked it back then about them being taken off me, so now, its not so busy and they now get me to type them. It's just the principle of the thing that makes me mad.
Anyways, I had the cutest pick of me, Thumper and Snoop except I forgot to save it to my USB stick, so today's pic is a scan of my Valentine's Day Card *melts*
♥ me xxx


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