♥ 40° Degrees and Raining?!? ♥

Well today has gone slow, but has also been pretty productive. I got up at 5.30am to get to the gym for 6am, back home for 6.45am, into the shower for 6.50am and into my car to drive to work by 7.15am. Got to work for 8am and it went from there....Commercial's, Commercial's and more Commercial's :) oh well.

Tonight is going to be the first night I don't have anything to do :) It's going to be AWESOME :D I'm picking up some Chicken Korma from the Indian (bragged about in previous blogs) and settling down to watch The OC. One Episode after another and it's sucked me in.
Adam is taking his parents to the airport at 9pm so it should be good to spend some quality Ree Time alone....

Well it has been 40°C, has rained and has even had thunder all in one day... At least it's only the weather that's been moody, although I'm getting there... Tiredness is rearing its ugly head in.. Thank god its home time.
♥ me xxx


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